Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kenapa saya pilih Siti?

Ramai orang tanya, kenapa Siti?
Suka-hati aku lah, jawapan standed aku.
Tapi, bila Mak aku pun tanya.
Aku terpaksalah bagi risen2nya.

Ish, ekceli... nak stat pun susah.
Tapi... tengok mata dia pun, dah cukup.
Ok lah, sepet sikit.
Tapi aku mmg suka yg sepet2.

Bodi dia, jgn cakaplah. Solid molid!
Tonggek pulak tu. Suka aku.

Tapi takkan nak kata kat Mak aku camtu.

So, aku kata lah aku suka dia pasal dia tu OK.
Cermat, bukan pisau cukur.
Jenis, bulan2 bagi duit, OK dah.

Mak kata 'baik2, jangan lepas 'sain', lain pulak citer.'
Tak kesah lah Mak. Janji aprof!

Ekceli, aku tak suka dia mekap2.
Tapi, mana2 aku pergi dgn dia,
...mesti orang tangkap usya. Tension aku.

Hari tu, aku dah tension sangat...
Aku selamber je raba bamper dia depan orang.
Ha! Usya la puas2!

Sori, sori.
Eniwei, aku sudah cintan sama dia.

Ni, aku ada tangkap sikit gambar dia senyap2.
Eh, tapi, jangan forward pulak gambar nih!
Pasal nampak sikit spotlait dia.




Honda Siti 1.5

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Book Review... the professional way

Book reviews are fun. Especially if you're doing it the Coffee Table way. All it takes is a little time and a shallow mind. Here's my Top 5 Round up of my FIRST EVER book review.

Number 5: One Day by Nicol David.
Sometimes I think I have six sense. I know that this is a totally brilliant book by just looking at the cover. Buy!

Number 4: The Flipside by Adam JJackson.
A great mystery book. Recommended for quick reading. Just flip it and you'll find some opportunities at the back cover. Of coz, you can't really see it. Coz it's hidden... ahh, the mystery. Buy!

Number 3: Jane Evanovich by Finger Lickin' Fifteen.
Another great book cover. I rate this highly because of 2 things: (1) It's 20% off (2) The author's name is Finger. Definitely a buy!

Number 2: Nick Hornby by Juliet, Naked
Picturing a hot naked author did not whatsoever influence my ranking. It was the wicked FONT that won my heart. Check out the long tail of the 'Y'. Swervyly cool. Anything with a font like that... buy!

Number 1: Ro.Stone by Mariah Carey, Weezer & More
Oh, this is a great book. It's got a huge collection of stories plus healthy diet recipes and tips for dandruff care. Plus it's foldable! This book is really great. Buy!

Megan who was on the cover? Nah, I'm too professional for that gimmick. So, congratulations, Ro.Stone!