Anyway, we met an old friend the other day. We were supposed to have coffee at Old Town White Coffee. He's from out of town, so we had to give him directions. Until he called and asked, "eh, you said Old Town or New Town??". I was like, "err... Old Town la. Why? Got New Town, meh???" And true enough, just a few doors away from Old Town... was a DIRECT competitor, with not much imagination...

to be honest, i am rather annoyed by all this copy-cat kopitiam concept coffee house. talk about NO-CREATIVITY! sheesh.
i was at old town today and a friend of mine was telling me that this new island coffee shop along gurney drive was pretty bad.
Bro ...
ni kat area mana ni ...Anyway ...they can use wahtever name they like ..but Kopitiam will always stay as Kopitiam ...(MINUM KOPI DOK DIAM-DIAM) ...peace
Aku balik Kulim end of this month ...
coffee island is real sucks, drinks lagi teruk
chiaoju, ndru... i've never been there, but that place, terlalu copy-cat lah! :)
rizal, call lah bila balik kulim! :-) phone # aku dlm facebook tu.
I'm the guy from out of town. Yes, true - it was so confusing coz there were so many kopitiam around. Iffil, next time, I think we'd better stick to Starbucks or Kedai Mamak...
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