I love watching football. And so, I love the EPL. I used to be a Liverpool fan ever since in Standard 1. But since 2000, I kind of steered more to Arsenal. I love their style of play. I love their flair. It's almost like watching the Globe Trotters playing football.
Playing beautiful attacking football guarantees a place in a fan's heart. But, unfortunately, it does not guarantee victory. It has been 4 years since Arsenal won a trophy. But I doubt that the seats at Emirates will decline. The ability to play beautiful football is, in a way, the best win for a fan. It might sound overly philosophical but it works for the millions of Arsenal fans across the world.
Right now, there's not much to do other than to look at the next season. The boss and the players would have to think very hard. In all fairness, that's the hardest thing to do. Because in a way, while they need to 'change', it is their football style that has been winning the fans.
Salam bro,
Time to move on ...Hang dulu support Liverpool then Arsenal ...probably Chelsea next kot ???
channeling your frustration thru philosophy...i hope wenger reads your blog :-)
rizal, thks for dropping by. chelsea? tak kot. aku dah sign up gunners for life :-)
hi sara :-)
Good luck boy for next year. We wont the EPL and next will be the CL.
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