#2: During All-Play, appoint a judge for each team. Without one, both teams will cheat.
#3: Appoint time-keeper from the opposing team. Coz the playing team will cheat at time keeping too.
#4: No mirror, even TV nearby. The reflective surfaces will be used for... yup, cheating.
#5: Snap a picture to record your position on the board. Chances are, your marker might be moved by the opponent without you knowing. For some ODD reasons, sometimes to an advanced position too.
#6: Ensure your todlers are wearing diapers. They will be ignored for the next 5-8hours.
#7: Make pre-arrangement to purchase or rent a house in another area or district. Just in case your house is torched down by angry neighbors.
#8: Have a team name. Do not use acronym. It could be misleading eg. L is chose for 'Leader'. The opposing team will, for some ODD reasons, think that its for 'Loser'.
#9: When your team member catch the other team cheating, just play along and support your team member. Even though you're not sure. After all, teamwork is key.
10#: Don't upload your Pictionary drawings in Facebook for it might be humiliating. On second thought, that's exactly the point! Load it! And don't forget to tag!
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