Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You Know You're Addicted to Pictionary When...

FIVE: You'd quickly grab ALL the pencils and memo pads you see during your meetings at the hotel.

FOUR: You start to think about how to draw every 6th word you hear e.g. the ball was out of court... COURT!

THREE: You called you mom to ask for cooking recipes so that you can invite your friends over and force them to play.

TWO: Ikea pencils look very tempting.

ONE: School night? What school night?


r3na said...

let me add one more:-

You measure time in minutes, and in hour-glass form.

--iffil-- said...


r3na said...

maybe this sounds better:

You know you're addicted to Pictionary when you strap an hourglass onto your wrist, coz that's how you tell time.

Bada bing.

Oh. another one:

You're addicted coz you keep on playing Pictionary despite being whooped by the wifeys 4 times!!

Bada boom. :D

--iffil-- said...
