Saturday, November 01, 2008

What's up with this Blackberry thingy?

I kept bumping onto people who gives me lines such as "Is that a Nokia? A what-berry? Why didn't you get a Nokia?" So, I figure, maybe its time I share about what's a BlackBerry. A phone is a device to talk and text. On default mode, it's on 'voice' connection mode. A BB, is a device to talk, text, instant msg, email & internet. On default mode, it's on 'data' connection.

The only next thing that's on full time data connection is e.g. a PC that's on internet connection. And that PC is connected to a server e.g. Streamyx. Similarly, a BlackBerry device is connected to a server too. And that's the BlackBerry server.

Having said that, that would mean that, to enable the 'BB Service', be ready for an extra RM55 a month commitment. And an appropriate data plan is critical to go with it. A BB device without BB service would mean that it will be just a talking brick. At this juncture, a 40series Nokia could possibly be a better choice.

With a PC, you're only ONLINE when you're in front of your PC. But with BB, that acts like a PC, you're ONLINE as long as you have your phone turned on. So that explains why I'm always ONLINE on my Live Messenger, Yahoo! and Google Talk.


Anonymous said...

which telco are you with?

--iffil-- said...

Hey Ndru, I'm with Maxis. The unlimited data plan is RM99/mth.


salam bro ....

hang memang gadget leg la ...kaki gadget ..hehehee ..aku dah 2 tahun pakai "nokia lampu suluh" long as I'm connected ....


--iffil-- said...

bull... betul lah.. aku ni kaki gejet sikit... masalah mental betul lah :-)

i try my best not to blog about my gadgets pasal i dont want to sound like i'm bragging, tapi, good things i will share :-)