Friday, June 02, 2006

Music Class

We've enrolled Marsha into a program called Musikgarten - "the preeminent early childhood music education company yada yada yada". But the funny part of the story is, while we thought that we only have to pay RM65 a month for the once a week half an hour class, little that we anticipated that the so-called starter kit is RM300+! Gulp. Anyway, Marsha seemed to enjoy the class, despite being the youngest at 1.5 years old. And the most important thing, she's learning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

iffil, do you know that raising kids cost a bomb these days? when yr kid turns 4 or 5, yu need to send them to kindy which cost RM1000+ for starter and another RM150-300 per mth. Not to mention other enrichment classes such as Kumon, Mental Arithmetic, Music Class, Martial Art, Art Class... some parents forget the most important is Religion Classes! all these parents are really competing each other. they teach the word STRESS to their young kids too early. But what to do... it's the normal thing especially in KL. but music class for little kids is good to stimulate their brains .... when i mentioned to send my kids to music class, they were so excited and say, "Yeah! When I grow up, I want to go for Akademi Fantasia audition!!!" NO WAY!