Friday, April 14, 2006

Congratulations, Gwen!

April 9. We drove down to Pantai, Negeri Sembilan (12kms from Seremban) to attend Gwen’s wedding. Ahhh… the bride and groom were SO stunning!

But Marsha was not smiling then coz she was down with flu and fever. We didn’t know at that time, until she vomitted twice on the way BACK from the wedding. We’re such insensitive parents. No wonder she was in a bad mood the whole day. Anyway, congratulations dear Mr. and Mrs. Bagak. It was a beautiful wedding (with good food)!

See! Not even a tiny smile from Marsha. Poor thing.

"Mommy and Aboo didn't know you're not well, Marsha, please believe us. We thought you were just being difficult and unfriendly, that's all... " *kneeling for forgiveness*

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